If I had a dollar every time I heard someone say “If only I made more money, things would be different.”, I would be rich, literally. But let me let you in on a little secret, if you can’t manage what you currently have you definitely can’t manage more.
I’d also be rich if i had a dollar every time I heard someone say “It’s too late to make a difference, so I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing.” NEWSFLASH! As long as you’re still living, you can make a change.
In both of these cases, people are generally in their own way. They’ve given up on finding a solution to their problem and are more comfortable with staying stuck in the problem. But not working towards a solution they are holding themselves back financially. Here are 3 things that generally hold people back:
MINDSET (Having a negative one.)
If you don’t believe it, you definitely won’t achieve it. Stop making excuses as to why something can’t be done. Start shifting your mindset to a place of CAN instead of CAN’T, it is critical first step in any process. You have to envision yourself achieving what you set out to do.
A Financial Plan (Not having one.)
Trying to manage through finances without a financial plan is like trying to drive across country without a road map. As my grandmother used to say, “I’m not telling you what I heard, I’m telling you what I know”. Without a map, you spend a lot of time “driving” around aimlessly. You have to have a plan that will guide you to your destination, aka your pot of gold. A plan aka a budget is your roadmap to your pot of gold. (Grab a copy of the annual money plan to get started. Money Plan)
Action (Waiting on the right moment.)
Waiting for the perfect opportunity to start will never happen, you MUST take action NOW. YOU have to work everyday towards your goals. Small steps are better than no steps at all. Some days it may be as simple as reviewing your progress and seeing what changes may be needed.
These may seem like simple things but they are valuable in moving towards your financial goals. No matter where you are on your financial journey, there is always time to accomplish something.
Let me know in the comments, what’s been holding you back financially.