Are You Ready for the Holidays?

The Holidays are right around the corner! It’s a time of family, friends, sharing, good food and good times!  What it is NOT, is a time to lose track of your financial goals.  During the holiday season however, many people get so caught up that they end up with what is known as the debt hangover.  Either

Are Your Financial Documents Organized?

Where are your financial documents currently stored? Would you be able to locate them should you need to? Organized and properly stored financial documents are an important part of any money management system. Not being able to locate your financial documents when needed can be very costly.  Take for instance not having a system to organize your mail as it

Is Your Savings Growing?

                Do you have a savings strategy? Is your savings strategy working? If you answered no to either question then read on. Saving is an essential part of any financial plan, but all too often we don’t give savings top priority.  I often hear, “I’ll start saving after I

5 Ways To Make Your Budget Work For You

Is your budget working for you? Is it helping you achieve your financial goals? A budget is an essential tool in the journey of achieving financial freedom.  It is meant to be structured but fluid and is the roadmap from your financial goals to achievement.   It  is definitely not supposed to be restrictive but is designed to allow you to be in control and

Financial Stress

Are you up at night wondering how you are going to tackle that pressing financial issue? Do you tense up or stress out when it comes to talking about or even thinking about your finances?  Well you are not alone!  According to, money is the #2 cause of stress in the U.S.  I read an article

5 Financial Habits to Implement Today

  I recently read an article that said millennials will need to save $2 million dollars to live during retirement.  Yes you read that correctly, $2 million!  Their success in achieving this goal will be dependent on several things including their financial habits. Saving $2 million dollars will be no easy feat, but the key is