How important is financial stability to you? What drastic measures have you taken to ensure you are financially stable? Would you end your relationship if you found out your significant other was deep in debt?
In an article, a future bride postponed her wedding until her fiancé paid off his debt and improved his credit score. For her, taking on someone else’s debt was not worth sacrificing what she had worked so hard for- financial stability. Her financial experiences growing up impressed upon her the importance of financial stability. While I applaud her decision, I wonder if there were signs before getting so close to the altar.
Did her and her fiancé wait until they were deep in the relationship before they discussed finances?
What would you do if you were in her position?
Would you postpone the wedding or end the relationship?
I think postponing the wedding gives them both time to understand each other’s money personality and decide whether or not they are financially compatible. On the surface it appears that their money personalities are different. This doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a relationship however, but it will require teamwork and communication. Check out my post You, Your Spouse and Money- How to Manage Without Stress for additional insight.
It is critical to work as a TEAM when it comes to relationships and finance. Working as a team however doesn’t mean taking on significant debt or sacrificing ones financial stability for another. It can be costly and put financial security in jeopardy. I’m reminded of a someone who combined her and her husband’s student loan debt after marriage for a total of over $200k. At the time, perhaps it “seemed” like a good idea but now that they are no longer together, was that really the best option?
For many, personal finance and debt is a difficult and avoided conversation. But as you can see from the scenarios above, it is CRITICAL and should happen well before any plans of marriage are even discussed.
Have you taken any drastic measures when it comes to debt? What would your decision be? Leave your comments below.