This time last year, we were just leaving Las Vegas where our 20th family reunion was held.  It was a great time!  We stayed at a kid friendly hotel and bowled, did karaoke, shared family history, family updates, had family brunches and dinners and toured some of the great attractions. We even went on the High Roller! It was a beautiful sight of the city while having a few adult beverages. 😊 What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?!?!? 

Our 2020 reunion was supposed to be this past weekend in beautiful New Orleans but then COVID 19 happened.  We didn’t want to cancel the family reunion, so it was decided that we would take the reunion online!  Our 21st Family Reunion was Zoom style!  I wasn’t sure what to expect but knew that just being able to see and talk to everyone would be great.  Our committee planned a great weekend of online activities that included- family history, family updates, a talent show and a family brunch.

We got into some deep conversations about our family origin and even got to view a copy of a receipt where my great grandfather paid a poll tax to vote.  VOTING IS SO IMPORTANT! We also went around and let everyone talk about the legacy they wanted to leave. Some of the legacies included generational wealth, the love of family, traveling, sticking together, family traditions and community service. It was such great timing because I had just done a blog post on family legacy and the steps you can take now to create the legacy you want. Check it out here

The talent show was great and included singing, rapping, poetry, juggling and music.  We even participated in mind and personality exercises, think Myers-Briggs. For brunch, everyone cooked or bought their favorite meal and we talked like we were all sitting together in person.  It was great!  Our oldest attendee was 93 (will be 94 soon) and our youngest attendee was 1.  The states that were represented were Michigan, Texas, California, Ohio, Illinois, Louisiana and New Mexico.

What I liked most about this Zoom style reunion, was that we all got a chance to speak and hear each other.  Normally at reunions, people break off into groups and miss out on other conversations.  Video conferencing has truly allowed us to connect with those we may not usually connect with due to distance or busy schedules.  Of course, an in-person event would have been great but I really enjoyed this one.  Our reunion photo will be a little different this year (we are all in a square box 😊) but no less impactful. We are not sure where next year’s reunion will be, BUT we know that no matter what, we will be together whether in person or virtually!

Have you ever had to adjust your family reunion plans?

Comments (1)

  1. Juanita Ellerson


    I thought the Zoom Style family reunion was great. Being able to look in everyone’s face and see that they’re doing well made all the difference, especially during this pandemic. I’m so glad that technology allows us to still be together, share ideas, and participate in fun activities. Kudos to the committee for a job well done!

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